Well, we are in Atlanta relaxing before we take off for Moscow. It is by the Grace of God we got here! What a morning! Our house was in total chaos. We were both extremely stressed out this morning. Trying to pack, take care of those last minute issues, etc... Our friend Karen came to drive us to the airport - I am sure we were a spectacle! She sat quietly and patiently in our living room sipping coffee and watching us. We managed to pull ourselves together enough to pack up the car and get to the airport with just minutes to spare. We did forget a few things but we are sure we will survive. Just think, the next time we will be in this airport, we will have our Angel with us and she will be a US citizen. Wow!
Thanks Karen! You are a true friend!
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
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