Saturday, March 15, 2008

When What Should be a Milestone is a Problem!

I was upset for days. We went to have our medicals and our health care provider was not as cooperative as we needed him to be. I don't want to slam anyone here but I do want to let other adoptive parents know how to avoid the issues we have experienced.

  • First, shop around. Interview several health care providers and make sure you can work easily with the one you select.
  • Be sure that he/she knows that you may need the forms printed on their letterhead and ask that they will insure the office staff will work with you on this. For us, this was an issue everytime we went to the office. I don't really understand why this had to be such a problem.
  • Next, I would stress to your physician that the physicals need to be updated yearly and in some cases, more often. Let him/her know that you may be asking for updated documents and you will not always need to redo bloodwork or other tests at the same time. You may just need the updated document with the previous dates of the tests listed. Our physician required us to repeat our bloodwork and tests each time which became extremely costly. Of course, this may depend on your agency and where you are in the overall process.
  • Emphasize that regardless of how often you update the medicals - lab tests and TB tests cannot be older than 3 months for the final document (for Russia this is between trips) and make sure that he/she will work with you if you need an update that is close to the 3 month period. Some insurances are not going to pay for the lab tests at all let alone more than once a year.
  • Encourage him/her to be careful when completing the forms. No cross outs or scribbles allowed.
  • Next, let him/her know that you will also need a letter addressing any abnormalities listed on the medical form. This letter must be on letter head.
  • Finally, make sure he/she will agree to have the documents notarized with his/her signature. In our case, the office manager was a notary when we went for our first two physicals but left before our last physical. If we had known this, we would have made arrangements for a notary to go with us. Our physician kept signing the documents without having the signature notarized. In the end, we went back to the office 3 times and finally took a notary with us. This took almost 3 weeks before everything was the way it should be. This could have been critical if we were close to traveling.

At the time, I was overwhelmed with having to redo everything and felt like our physician was not working with us. Now, as I look back on it, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. Sometimes I think we are just on the edge with the stress of getting everything done, dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's that one little thing can seem like Mount Everest! It all worked out with much prayer. I know now that being prepared and anticipating some of these challenges helps manage the unexpected. I hope this information helps someone avoid a similar situation.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6


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