Thursday, July 20, 2006

Passing the Time by Hosting Another Exchange Student!

It has been several weeks since I posted. We have been very busy; it seems sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day! We are preparing for another exchange student. This time a girl, 16 years old and from Spain. She called us Sunday to introduce herself. Her name is Lara and she speaks English very well. We have a sense this experience will be different from our experience with Fred.

I have been preparing her room - I wanted to make it more "girly" than it was for Fred. I moved around the furniture, dug out some angels, teddy bears, and dolls to put on the shelves. Next to her bed, I have a round table with a pretty heart shaped doily and a vase of fresh flowers. Lara arrives tonight and I hope she will feel at home. She will be here for 3 weeks.

She told us on the phone that this will be the first time she has been away from home without her mother or father. We are praying that she is comfortable in our home. We also have 4 cats and she has never been around animals. Cats are a challenge in that they do what they want. Cats are not as easy to train as dogs, in my opinion. Our bunch do respond to words and commands such as:

  • "do you want a treat?"
  • "out"
  • "get down"
  • "your're bad"
  • "good boy" or "good girl"
  • "lay down"

We will have to work on keeping them out of her room. We have designated Lara's room as a "no cat zone". However, our cats are very lovable and they may just win her over. Afterall, Fred liked them.

I will try to keep this blog more up-to-date. However, being busy is a "good thing" when you are a PAP (preadoptive parent). We are still waiting to hear some news regarding Russian accreditation updates and NGO status of our adoption agency. We have been told everything slows down in Russia during July and August due to vacations. Sooooooooo, keeping busy is good for us right now.

We have faith that everything will work out according to God's plan. In the meantime, we are on our knees praying.

I wait for you, O Lord; you will answer, O Lord my God. Psalm 38:15

Patiently waiting,

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