Sunday, November 08, 2009

Has It Really Been Two Months?

Two months since "Gotcha Day". Wow! That is hard to believe! Don and I both feel a little guilty for not posting sooner but it has been absolutely crazy! We had two computers crash. We also lost our camera bag, camera, and (sandisks with photos) on the flight from Moscow to Atlanta. Just broke our hearts! We have prayed that whoever finds our bag would please just send us the disks - keep the camera we really don't care about it. But the photos are just not replaceable.

It seems it's always something. We have this black cloud that follows us around. Don reminds me frequently that "rain falls and the sun shines on the just and the unjust alike" I really should look up the actual scripture sometime. Anyway, we have a computer now and decided to do a quick update for those of you who have been looking for news.
First, to everyone who helped us get to Russia and back, God Bless You! We think of you all everyday and will never be able to thank you enough. Know that you are in our prayers everyday.
Second, we apologize to everyone who have been waiting to hear news about our Angel. It has just been a wild two months! Gotcha day was September 8 and we returned home September 18. I am not going to lie, the ten days after our Angel joined our family was difficult. The language barrier was a major challenge. We really worked on our Russian and felt we were prepared but it just wasn't enough. However, we have been home about 6 weeks and she is such a joy. I can't imagine our family without her. The struggle was worth it and we are sure God meant for us to be a family.

So, may I introduce our Angel to you?

We have called her our Angel since we began the adoption process. We knew she was meant to be part of our family the minute we received the referral. We had no doubts.

We promise we will post more this week. I have kept a journal of our entire trip and since we returned home and hope to blog over the next few weeks some of my thoughts during the experience.

Please scroll down for a small slide show of photos in Russia.

Visit My Website


Anonymous said...

YAy!! She's beautiful!!!! Congrats!!! It's great to hear how you're doing!!!! God Bless you ALL!

Yarbrough Family said...

So glad to see your post and see pictures of your beautiful daughter! She looks so comfortable and content:-) You have been in my prayers and I see they have been answered! I will continue to pray for Anzhelika's adjustment to her new way of life.

Unknown said...

So glad you made it home! I've been watching for your update and am so happy to have found it this morning.

Everytime I see your family picture on my fridge, I pray for your family. So glad she has made it home! Praying for grace and understanding and love to grow during this adjustment time. Blessings to your family!

Kellee Nelson

Ben & Melissa said...

So glad you were able to post this update! I have been checking often to see how you are doing, and to see pictures of your beautiful daughter. Congratulations! I remember those first few months were a difficult adjustment, but we've been home now for 1 1/2 years, and it seems it's flown by. Hope we can meet sometime, since we are all in Florida!

Melissa (another AWAA NN family)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your daughter is absolutely beautiful!!!! How proud you must be of her! I hope someone returns your camera - I would have been so upset to lose all of our pics too, but in the scheme of things, you have your little girl! She just could not be anymore adorable! Keep us posted - we'll keep praying.
