Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We're Going to Russia - Really We Are!

Well, it is really going to happen: WE ARE GOING TO RUSSIA!
We cannot believe it.

Here is our itinerary:
Jan. 9 - Leave US for Moscow
Jan.10 - Arrive in Moscow
Jan.11 - Take overnight train to our region
Jan.12 - MOE Appointment and meet our little girl
Jan.13 - Visit orphanage
Jan.14 – Visit orphanage and leave on train for Moscow
Jan.15 - Leave Moscow for US in the afternoon

We will meet our precious angel on my birthday - what a special gift! Believe me, God's signature is on everything that has happened in our adoption process. It is just so amazing!

We are asking for prayer as the airfares are outrageous right now and we are very tight on our finances. Please pray that God will provide.

Praising God,

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